Weekly outline

  • General

    Questions & Answers

    If you have any general questions about the transition process or about starting school in August, please use the Padlet below. There will also be opportunities for parents to ask questions during our online webinars. If you wish to speak to us specifically about your child, please feel free to contact us directly at any time. 

  • 12 May - 18 May


     When and how will I be able to buy the school uniform?

     What are the school term and holiday dates?

    • The SJS calendar for 2024/2025 will be posted here as soon as it is available. 

     What is involved in the timetable for Year 1 students?

    Alongside their homeroom learning, students have weekly lessons for:

    • Physical Education
    • Music
    • Library

     What should children bring to school each day?

    • Bookbag (this will be provided by the school)
    • Home-school Diary (this will be provided by the school)
    • Hand Sanitiser
    • Hat
    • Raincoat
    • Water Bottle
    • Insect Repellant 
    • Sun Cream 

    Please note:

    Children should not bring personal toys and games to school unless asked to do so by the class teacher